U.S. Composite Pipe, Inc. offers a full range of manhole diameters from 48” to 192”. Our manholes are steel reinforced per the ASTM C-478 specification and utilize a single offset rubber gasket joint per ASTM C-443. Our manholes also utilize ASTM C-923 pipe to manhole connectors based on their market availability for the size of pipe and size of manhole being used.
Advantages of USCP manholes:
• Corrosion resistant material, requires no coating or lining
• Can be field cored should additional lines be needed later
• Monolithic base slabs to prevent cold joint leaks
• Walls can be drilled for manhole steps
• Flat tops can be custom built for hatches and inserts
• Steel reinforced per current ASTM concrete manhole specification (C-478)
• Same unit weight as Portland cement concrete allows it to be designed to counter the affects of buoyancy when required
• Can be lifted and handled the same as precast concrete manholes
• Tops are HS-20 rated