Today’s demanding conditions on our collection systems require a material that can stand up to those conditions. The conversion of H2S gas into sulfuric acid can destroy collection system components in months. Until now the solution has been to apply short term coatings or linings to those materials, use flexible non rigid materials, or lower the life expectancy of the components.
The real solution for today’s challenging conditions is steel reinforced polymer concrete manholes, microtunnel pipe, and structures. Polymer concrete is similar to conventional concrete in that is contains selected blends of aggregates and fillers which are held together utilizing a binder. The binder is a high strength, corrosion resistant, thermosetting resin. This resin system requires a curing agent (catalyst) which when combined with the resin, transfers the resin and curing agent from a liquid to a solid (thermoset polymer) which bonds to the aggregate, various fillers and internal reinforcement. Polymer concrete has superior performance characteristics. It can be used in a ph range of 1-13. The material itself is it’s own protection from corrosion. There is no need to coat or line polymer concrete force main manholes, pump station manholes, microtunnel pipe or structures. Being a steel reinforced concrete product, it can also handle severe loading, whether it is live load, backfill dead load, or microtunnel pipe applications.