U.S. Composite Pipe, Inc. currently has the capacity to build up to 192” diameter pump station structures. Using the same corrosion resistant polymer concrete, our pump station structures can be field cored to allow for the proper placement of the inlet and outlet pipes. The flat tops can have any supplied accessories cast into it, such as hatches, vents, or inserts.
Advantages of USCP pump station structures:
• Corrosion resistant material, requires no coating or lining
• Steel reinforced per current ASTM concrete manhole specification (C-478)
• Can be field cored to insure exact elevation of pipes
• Monolithic bases slabs to prevent cold joint leaks
• Flat tops can be custom build for hatches and inserts
• Same unit weight as Portland cement concrete allows it to be designed to counter the affects of buoyancy when required
• Can be lifted and handled the same as precast concrete manholes